Keren Taylor, founder of tells us her story.... I was a singer/songwriter in New York City, and was invited to lead some songwriting workshops for teens. That was really impactful for me. I saw firsthand how much teens really did not like to write — but also how their energy shifted when they were inspired, with some guidance. I knew I wanted to do more of that, and help igni... Read more
Holiday Gift Guide by Epica
When it comes to the holidays, a myriad of things come to mind: bundling up for colder weather, i...
Back to School, Back to Youth: My Journal Takes Me There
In my eighth grade English class, my teacher gave us a “puke on paper” exercise. Like any 14-yea...
Discovering my Mother’s Journals
One of the greatest discoveries I ever made in my young life was my mother’s journal. As I reme...
The Astonishing History of Journaling
The history of journaling dates back to the Han dynasty — and possibly even farther. Have you eve...
Paper Nostalgia
My first words danced out on the lines in my 5th birthday journal. The little ballerina on the co...
Journals – Time Capsules to the Soul
The sun-kissed photograph sitting on the mantelpiece of my parent’s home is of me at 3-years-old....
Finding Your Niche: Travel & Food Journaling
When it comes to journaling I’ve come to realize, there really is no “wrong” way to do it. The wh...
Paradise Not Lost
Picture this... You open a draw in your kitchen. It is that drawer which is stuffed full of misc...