Have you heard about the newest idea taking the journaling community by storm? It’s called a bullet journal and it stirs things up a bit. If you are unaware of how to use one, that’s fine because there are no rules! From the outside, traditional and bullet journals look the same, but that is where they often part ways. A bullet journal and a conventional journal share as much or as little similarity as you wish. Inside a bullet journal has pages arranged with a grid of dots. You can start writing anywhere of your choosing and use any system of symbols, words, pictures or anything that you can dream up which makes a journal perfect for you.

My bullet journal entries are contained to a page per day. Entries range from scattered thoughts to solid ideas. I don’t follow any patterns. Each day is a fresh start. I enjoy drawing little cartoon pictures. As I look at today’s entry, I see a drawing of a light bulb for new ideas, a film reel for new movies, and a basket with a list of items I need to purchase. Yesterday I used a checklist. Each day is indeed unique.
One of my favorite aspects of bullet journals is that my lists aren’t scribbled on scratch paper. They don’t get lost or end up in the trash. They serve as a reminder of daily thoughts and accomplishments. My bullet journal magically helps me have more original ideas. I am often surprised to see the ways that my journal is helping to stretch my intentions and outcomes.
Bullet journaling has changed the way I interact with my traditional journal. If you are a bullet journaler, have you, too, found differences in your traditional writings? The difference from my perspective is that my bullet journal is with me throughout the day. It catches my random thoughts and gives them a place to land. My traditional journal receives a specified block of time each evening to express ideas that hold long-term significance. Personally, I have found my entries to be tighter and more focused, which I have enjoyed. Bullet journaling has freed me from combining the two mediums.
If you haven’t tried a bullet journal, give it a try! I think you will find it fun and rewarding. Your creativity will spring to life and you, too, will find the bullet journal a highlight of your day.
Lee McClary is passionate about humor, writing, and dogs. She also enjoys photography and guitars. This is her second article for Epica — if you’d like to see your article here, you can make your submissions by sending an email to info@epica.com.